The Westwind SEWP Team can assist you with all SEWP-related matters, to include obtaining a quote, warranty info, technical support, order issues and post delivery matters. Please contact the Team or the Program Manager listed below.
Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP, pronounced “soup”), is a multi-award Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle focused on commercial IT products and product-based services. The 145 pre-competed Contract Holders offer a wide range of commercial advanced technology including tablets, desktops, and servers; IT peripherals; network equipment; storage systems; security tools; software products; cloud-based services; telecommunications; health IT; sensors; video conferencing systems and other IT communication and audio-visual products. Product-based services such as installation, training, maintenance, and warranty along with a full range of other product-based services are also available through SEWP. The SEWP fee for all orders is 0.34%. This fee is included the price of all quoted products and is not separately listed.
Contract number NNG15SD04B. Ordering Guidelines
SEWP V adheres to Fair Opportunity: FAR 16.505(b) (1) which provides that each contractor shall be given fair opportunity to be considered for each order typically exceeding $10,000 and issued under multiple award contracts. The FAR states that the method to obtain fair opportunity is at the discretion of the CO and that the CO must document the rationale for placement and price of each order. Using the SEWP online Quote Request Tool is the recommended method to assist in this activity and to augment the required decision documentation. The SEWP QRT tool will automatically include the Contract Holders within a selected Group or based on a suggested source.
DoD ESI has established agreements for the purchase of Cisco products through the NASA SEWP Agency GWAC managed by NASA. These agreements will offer the entire Cisco catalog of software, hardware, WebEx, cloud, and professional services. The negotiated terms & conditions and lowest defensible pricing will provide significant value to DoD customers.
Download the DOD ESI Ordering Guide. Visit the DOD ESI website.
As a small business with minority, woman-owned, and HUBZone designations, Westwind can help you meet your small business requirements, on everything from small procurements to large-scale solutions and roll-outs.